Listed below are all of the sermons we currently have on the website.
Bible Text: Luke 14:12-24
Bible Text: Luke 12:13-23 | “More Than Food” Luke 12:13-23 Open: (v13) “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” Not necessarily a greedy request. This…
Bible Text: Luke 10:25-37 | “What Shall I Do?” Luke 10:25-37 Open: (v25) A lawyer’s question: “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” What shall I do? …
Bible Text: Luke 12:35-48 | “Dressed and Ready” Luke 12:35-48 Open: L. Ron Hubbard, dressed and ready I. An Unlikely Wardrobe A. (v35) “Stay dressed for action…
| Sunday morning sermon at Highview Church.
| Sunday morning sermon at Highview Church.
| Sunday morning sermon at Highview Church.
| Sunday morning sermon at Highview Church.
| Sunday morning sermon at Highview Church.