By Pastor Stephen Hess – It seems like every few years there is a news story about a religious leader who is predicting the end of the world. You may remember it was just a few years ago when American Christian radio host Harold Camping stated that Judgment Day would take place on May 21, […]
Articles posted by Stephen Hess
How Should Christians Vote?

By Pastor Stephen Hess – As I write this article, election day is less than two weeks away. This year we will have yet another opportunity to vote and choose the next President of the United States. One of the things that sets Christians in modern America apart from Christians in the early church is […]
culture, politicsAmbassadors for Christ

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Recently we began a new sermon series at Highview called “Resident Aliens.” During this series we are exploring what it means to live as a Christian in today’s world. In one sense we are “residents” of this world. We live here, we work here, and we raise our families here. […]
church, kingdom, kingdom of godResident Aliens

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Christians in the United States have become increasingly aware that they are living in a rapidly changing and divided culture. It is rapidly changing in that many of the religious and moral values that were prevalent fifty years ago are no longer held by the majority of Americans. The result […]
culture, kingdom, kingdom of god, sermon seriesSeasons of Waiting

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Recently Meagan and I embarked on a new journey. Many of you have heard that this spring we began the process to pursue adopting another child. A number of people have asked me questions about the adoption process and one of the primary words I use to describe it is […]
adoptionEPC General Assembly 2016

By Pastor Stephen Hess – On June 21st – 25th I had the opportunity to travel to the 36th General Assembly of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. The General Assembly is an annual meeting where leaders from across our denomination gather to worship, conduct church business, and make decisions pertaining to our life together. This year’s […]
EPC, evangelical presbyterian church, presbyterianismDoctrine, Discipline, & Devotion

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Many people have heard the famous story about the speech that Vince Lombardi gave at the Green Bay Packers training camp in July of 1961. The previous season the Packers had suffered a heartbreaking loss to the Philadelphia Eagles and they had been stewing over this loss during the off-season. […]
1 john, sermon seriesSent to Serve

By Pastor Stephen Hess – One of my personal highlights last month was watching the people of Highview reach out and make an impact in our community through “Serve Day.” During this event we sent out eight teams of people to various locations to serve others in the name of Jesus Christ. In the course […]
serviceThe Big Objections

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Christianity is the largest religion on the planet, claiming well over 2 billion adherents. Additionally, it is one of the oldest religions still being practiced today, dating back two thousand years. Yet despite the pervasive influence of Christianity across the globe, there are many people today who are not believers. […]
apologetics, doubt, sermon seriesThe Passover and the Cross

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Have you ever wondered why the date of Easter each year corresponds to the Jewish celebration of Passover? Did you ever notice that when Jesus sat down with his disciples for the “last supper” (Luke 22:7-23) they were not just eating a regular meal, but a “Passover” meal? When we […]