By Pastor Stephen Hess – Since the early part of this year, one of the stories that has been dominating the headlines has been the massive advancements in artificial intelligence technologies. New chatbots such as “Chat GPT” have shocked the world with their ability to generate information and engage in conversation with human-like abilities. Many […]
Highview Blog
Summer in the Psalms

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Throughout the centuries, the Book of Psalms has been a place in Scripture to which Christians have continually turned for comfort and encouragement. One of the things that makes the Psalms so rich is that they reflect the full range of human emotions. The great church father Athanasius of Alexandria […]
psalms, sermon seriesAn Upcoming Sabbatical

By Pastor Stephen Hess – In the early 1800s there was a Scottish minister by the name of Robert Murray M’Cheyne. M’Cheyne was an extraordinarily gifted young man. He graduated from university as a fourteen-year-old and was pastoring a Presbyterian congregation of over a thousand people by the age of twenty-three. However, he worked himself […]
Hearing God’s Word

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Throughout the history of the church, there have been two things that God has used more than anything else to build, renew, and revive his church. These two things are the Word of God and prayer. Pastor and author Kevin DeYoung once said, “If a church’s supposed success is ultimately […]
bible, holy week, scripture, spiritual disciplinesThe Stakes of the Resurrection

By Pastor Stephen Hess – For 2,000 years, Christians have affirmed a belief in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. The Apostles’ Creed—one of the earliest creeds of the Christian church—states, “On the third day he rose again from the dead.” But in recent years some have asked whether it really matters if Jesus […]
easter, resurrectionWho Was Saint Valentine?

By Pastor Stephen Hess – If you walk into a grocery store during the month of February, an entire section of the store will be filled with chocolates, flowers, and pink greeting cards. The stores are preparing, of course, for what is commonly known as Valentine’s Day—a day celebrating romantic love and relationships. Many people […]
HolidaysChristianity Explored

By Pastor Stephen Hess – When you think of “good news”, what comes to mind? Perhaps it’s the birth of a child. Maybe it’s a raise or a promotion at work. Or maybe it’s a biopsy that comes back negative. These are all certainly types of good news, but the Bible says that there is […]
Expecting: A New Advent Series

By Pastor Stephen Hess – The top selling book on the topic of pregnancy for the last few decades has been a book called What to Expect When You’re Expecting. As of last year, it was estimated that 93% of expectant mothers who read a pregnancy guide consulted this book and over 22 million copies […]
advent, christmas, sermon seriesHow Can the Guilty Be Justified?

By Pastor Stephen Hess – In recent days I have seen a multitude of news articles and videos covering the trial of Darrell Brooks. Brooks is the man who drove his car through the Waukesha Christmas Parade in 2021, killing six people and injuring dozens more. The trial has received national attention not only because […]
current events, reformed theology, theologyOne Thousand Invitations to “Come and See”

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Numerous studies have shown that church membership and attendance have been declining in the United States for the past several decades. A recent study from the Pew Research Center found that as of 2020, 64% of Americans identify as Christians. Fifty years ago, that number was 90%. If “religious switching” […]
evangelism, outreach