By Pastor Stephen Hess – I remember learning in elementary school that there are several things every plant needs to grow. Five of these things include: Sunlight, soil, water, air, and space. While having these things does not guarantee that a plant will survive (most plants also need proper maintenance and temperature control) it is […]
Highview Blog
Reflections on the End of Roe

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Earlier this summer the United States Supreme Court handed down one of its most historic decisions in decades. In the case known as Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization the Court decided that the constitution of the United States does not confer the right to abortion, thus overruling the 1973 […]
abortion, current eventsA Wake-Up Call

By Pastor Stephen Hess – This summer we have embarked on a 12-week prayer journey focused on the theme of “awakening.” Awakening is a term that refers, first and foremost, to the work of the Holy Spirit where he brings a sinner from death to life, from unbelief to belief, and from darkness to light. […]
prayer, the christian lifeBecoming Like Children

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Of all the commands that Jesus gave in the gospels, I have always found one of the most intriguing to be his command that we become like children. On one occasion Jesus called a child to himself and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like […]
discipleship, the christian lifeThe Ordinary Means of Grace

By Pastor Stephen Hess – You may have heard it said that in life, “There are no shortcuts.” While this may be true, it certainly hasn’t stopped people from trying to find them. People who lie on resumes and college admissions applications are trying to take shortcuts to achieve success. People who get sucked into […]
reformed theology, sanctification, the christian lifeWars and Rumors of Wars

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Over the last several weeks, people from around the world have been shocked at Russia’s senseless invasion of Ukraine and the refugee crisis that is unfolding. Leaders from many nations have been scrambling to find ways to intervene and prevent this conflict from escalating into an even larger world war. […]
current events, end times, eschatologyWhat Are the Doctrines of Grace?

By Pastor Stephen Hess – One of the things that visitors quickly discover when becoming acquainted with Highview is that we describe ourselves as a “Reformed” church. What does it mean to be Reformed? I usually answer this question by describing Reformed theology on two levels. At the ground level, Reformed theology is “Reformation theology.” […]
reformed theology, sovereignty of God, theologyLessons in the Dead of Winter

By Pastor Stephen Hess – In C.S. Lewis’s beloved classic, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, four children enter a magical wardrobe and travel to another land called “Narnia.” When they arrive, they discover that an evil witch has put Narnia under a spell that causes it to be perpetually winter. It is a […]
the christian lifeThinking Biblically about the Metaverse

By Pastor Stephen Hess – A couple of months ago, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced that his multi-billion-dollar company was changing its name to “Meta” and ushering in a new way of connecting to others through the internet. “The next platform will be even more immersive—an embodied internet where you’re in the experience, not just […]
culture, technology, the christian lifeJohn: That You May Believe

By Pastor Stephen Hess – This Advent Season we are starting an exciting journey together as we begin a sermon series on the Gospel of John. Each of the four Gospels highlights unique aspects of the character, teaching, and ministry Jesus. Each Gospel writer had particular truths that he wanted us to see. Near the […]
gospel of john, sermon series