By Pastor Stephen Hess – Most people in the world today define greatness by qualities such as power, position, and prominence. According to the world’s standards, “great” people are those who hold high positions of leadership, which enable them to have power over others. “Great” people are those with extensive education and wealth, which enable […]
Highview Blog
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Reformed Christianity has always been known for having a high view of God’s sovereignty. We believe Scripture teaches that all of human history—from the greatest events of world history to the smallest details of our everyday lives—is governed by God who works all things according to the counsel of his […]
evangelism, sovereignty of GodGospel Shaped Outreach

By Pastor Stephen Hess – When Jesus called his disciples, the first command he gave to them was, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt. 4:19). Clearly Jesus understood sharing the gospel to be a central part of what it means to be a disciple. Yet most of us, if we […]
evangelism, sermon seriesElijah: A Man Just Like Us

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Sometimes when we read the Bible it is easy to forget that the saints of Scripture were people just like us. For example, when we read about the prophet Elijah performing miracles, raising the dead, and calling down fire from heaven, we can begin to think of Elijah as some […]
elijah, sermon seriesLoving Our Country Without Idolizing It

By Pastor Stephen Hess – As I write this article, we are just a few days away from an important American holiday—the Fourth of July. One of the songs that you often hear on the Fourth of July is “God Bless America”, which begins with the words, “God bless America, land that I love.” I […]
america, HolidaysBlessed Are the Peacemakers

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Every single one of us at some point in our lives will experience conflict in our relationships. No one enjoys relational conflict, but occasionally it seems to rear its ugly head in virtually every sphere of life. You see it take place in families, in friendships, in churches, in workplaces, […]
relationships, sermon seriesLessons from the Pandemic

By Pastor Stephen Hess – As I write this article, it has now been well over a year since the coronavirus pandemic began. During this time last year all of our in-person gatherings were suspended, and our worship services were completely virtual. Thankfully over the past year we have been able to resume most of […]
coronavirusThe Centurion’s Declaration

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Every few years it seems like there is a courtroom trial that captures the nation’s attention. Courtroom trials fascinate us because they often involve fascinating people, shocking stories, and compelling arguments. But the moment most people look forward to in a courtroom trial is the verdict. That moment when a […]
easter, good fridayIs Progressive Christianity Progressive?

By Pastor Stephen Hess – I recently came across a headline about a large church in the Nashville area that was making waves on social media by promoting the idea that the Bible is not really the word of God. One of the church’s provocative statements said, “The Bible isn’t the Word of God, self-interpreting, […]
christianity, cultureCreated for Community

By Pastor Stephen Hess – At the end of 2020, the Gallup organization released a stunning report on the state of Americans’ mental health. For nearly twenty years Gallup has surveyed the mental well-being of Americans and one of the key findings of last year’s survey was that mental health in 2020 was lower than […]
church, fellowship, mental health, worship