By Pastor Stephen Hess – Many Christians have been following the news about EPC pastor Andrew Brunson who has been wrongfully imprisoned in Turkey since October of 2016. As I write this article it has just been announced that Andrew has been moved from prison to house arrest, however, the ultimate outcome of his case […]
Highview Blog
Highlights from the EPC General Assembly

By Pastor Stephen Hess Once a year, our denomination—the Evangelical Presbyterian Church—holds a national gathering called the “General Assembly” where leaders from churches all over the country gather to connect, worship together, and conduct church business. This year the assembly gathered in Memphis for four days (June 19-22) at Hope Presbyterian Church. Attending General Assembly […]
EPC, evangelical presbyterian churchSummer Reading Recommendations

By Pastor Stephen Hess – A recent survey conducted by journalist Tony Reinke found that Christians are reading fewer and fewer books than in previous decades. One of the reasons for this seems to be that our culture is more distracted than ever before. An endless list of activities fills our lives and when we […]
booksReflections on MLK50

By Pastor Stephen Hess – April 4, 2018 marked the 50th anniversary of an historic and tragic event in our nation’s history—the assassination of Martin Luther King. At the beginning of April, I had the chance to travel to Memphis to attend a conference called “MLK50: Gospel Reflections from the Mountaintop.” In addition to reflecting […]
book of colossians, colossians, gospel, raceEaster Questions from Jesus

By Pastor Stephen Hess – I have always been intrigued by the accounts of the resurrection of Jesus and his appearances to his disciples thereafter. It is clear as you read the Gospels that the disciples were experiencing a mixture of emotions including things like fear, excitement, awe, and joy. I often wonder how I […]
easter, HolidaysThe Holiness of God

By Pastor Stephen Hess – If someone asked you to describe God, what would be the first words to enter your mind? Many people would probably first think of attributes such as power, wisdom, or perfection. Perhaps the most common one-word definition of God today is “love.” After all, Scripture does tell us that “God […]
Bible studies, HolinessWhat Seems to Be the Problem?

By Pastor Stephen Hess – There is a problem in the world today. The problem could be described in many ways, but everyone—whether Christian or non-Christian—seems to agree that things are not the way they are supposed to be. In fact, I’ve never met a single person who would deny the reality that something seems […]
book of genesis, genesis, sinAnswers to Life’s Biggest Questions

By Pastor Stephen Hess – If you could choose one word to describe the state of American culture as we enter 2018, what would it be? I would probably choose the word “confused.” The further we move into the 21st century, the more confused we seem to be as a culture about some of the […]
book of genesis, genesis, sermon seriesAn Unlikely Advent Story

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Over the past several weeks we have been working through the book of Ruth on Sunday mornings in our current sermon series. When most people think of the book of Ruth, they probably don’t think of the season of Advent or the birth of Christ. However, this Old Testament story […]
advent, Book of Ruth, christmas, Holidays, Ruth, sermon seriesHow Should Christians Give Thanks?

By Pastor Stephen Hess – As Thanksgiving approaches I find myself thinking about how Christians should celebrate this holiday. Christians have very distinct ways of celebrating Christmas and Easter, but what about Thanksgiving? Do we use this autumn holiday to worship our Lord or is it just another excuse to over-indulge and eat too much […]
Holidays, Thanksgiving