Full Disclosure
Bible Text: John 1:29-42 |
“Full Disclosure,” John 1:19-42
Introduction: Son, husband, father, grandfather, pastor
Airline travel and the TSA
I. Credentials
A. (v29) “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”
1. Exodus 12:3-5, 13. The Passover lamb
2. In linking Jesus to Passover, John announces an end to slavery and the time of promise.
3. More subtle is the implication that the people must leave their way of life (repent).
B. (v32) “I saw the Spirit descend…and it remained on him.”
1. (v30) “A man who ranks above me because he was before me.”
2. In the Old Testament, the prophets anointed kings and others. Here God bypasses the prophet.
3. (v33) “This is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.” [Ref. Joel 2:28, Ezekiel 36:27]
C. (v3-4) “This is the Son of God.” [Psalm 2:7-8; 2 Samuel 7:13-14]
II. Response
A. (v36) The Baptist repeats his Lam of God hail, emphasizing the title’s prominence.
1. First time his words brought no response. “Hmmm, that’s interesting.”
2. Second time two of John’s disciples follow Jesus. How many disciples did John have?
3. (v38) Key question for the Gospel is posed by Jesus, “What are you seeking?”
B. (v39) Jesus said to the two, “Come, and you will see.”
1. How can we position ourselves to see the truth about Jesus?
2. For Andrew, following Jesus meant inviting Peter along – “We have found the messiah”
3. What of the other disciple? He gets lost in the story, never becoming an apostle.
C. (v42) Jesus identifies Peter: “You are Simon the son of John. You shall be called Peter.”
1. What identity does Jesus give to us?
Conclusion: Right now what do you believe about Jesus? Man, messiah, rabbi, Son of God? Do you know him personally or do you know of him incidentally as the subject of stories and lore?