Hagar’s View
Bible Text: Genesis 16:1-13 |
“Hagar’s View,” Genesis 16
Open: What does it mean to stand in the story’s shadows? What does it mean to be poor, unemployed, homeless? Or to be a woman when men get the big roles? Or to be an immigrant, to be old, to be plain, to be divorced, to be single, to be shy?
I. The God of the Dispossessed
A. (v2) Sarai’s problem with God’s promise to Abraham: “The LORD has prevented me…”
1. How long should be wait on God? What do we assume when he is tardy and we suffer?
2. Sarai’s Plan B may be obligatory and resented: “Go in to my servant-girl”
B. (v4) Hagar conceived. “When she saw that she had conceived, she looked with contempt on her…
1. Hagar is the Egyptian servant-girl Abram and Sarai never call by name. She’s a tool.
2. Maybe Hagar grew proud with the pregnancy. Maybe Sarai read contempt due to envy.
II. The God Who Hears [Ishmael]
A. (v5) Sarai blames Abram, “May the wrong done to me be on you! I gave my slave-girl to your embrace.”
1. Abram, “Behold your servant is in your power; do to her as you please.” Like a tool.
2. The servant-girl is carrying Abram’s son, but he allows her to be sent away. Cold.
B. (v6) “Then Sarai dealt harshly with her, and she ran away from her” into the wilderness.
1. How do you escape the pain in your life?
2. What happens for you when no one hears your cry or sees your needs?
III. The God Who Sees [El-Roi]
A. (v8) The angel of the Lord found Hagar, “Hagar, servant of Sarai…”
1. He finds her in the wilderness. He calls her by name. He reminds her of her role.
2. “Where have you come from and where are you going?”
B. (v9) “The angel of the Lord said to her, ‘Return to your mistress and submit to her.’”
1. How is that fair? Where is God’s compassion? When does He poke Sarai in the eye?
2. (v10) “I will surely multiply your offspring so that they cannot be numbered.”
3. (v11) “You shall call him Ishmael for the Lord has listened to your affliction.”
Conclusion: Hagar returns to Sarai and somehow things between them get patched up. Did Sarai abuse her? Did Hagan swallow her contempt? Did Abram intervene? How was Ishmael treated?