By Pastor Stephen Hess – I would guess that we often underestimate what the Lord is able to do in our lives. One of the key indicators of this is in our prayers: Do we believe that the Lord is able to move mountains and do we pray fervently to see his power displayed in […]
Posts tagged "adoption"
God’s Gift of Adoption

By Pastor Stephen Hess – The first couple of months of 2017 have been a whirlwind for our family! After being in the adoption process for the better part of year, God answered our prayers and brought a new daughter—Evangeline—into our family. One of the things we have been so thankful for throughout this process […]
adoption, gospelSeasons of Waiting

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Recently Meagan and I embarked on a new journey. Many of you have heard that this spring we began the process to pursue adopting another child. A number of people have asked me questions about the adoption process and one of the primary words I use to describe it is […]