By Pastor Stephen Hess – One could argue that there are two types of people in the world today: Those who trust the Bible and live life according to God’s word, and those who reject the Bible and live life according to their own wisdom. Psalm 19:7 says, “The law of the LORD is perfect, […]
Posts tagged "book of acts"
The Intolerance of Tolerance

By Pastor Stephen Hess – From the earliest days of the church, Christians have faced opposition and persecution for following Jesus. This has been apparent during our sermon series on the book of Acts, where the religious authorities of the day could not tolerate the message of Jesus and instead threatened the disciples and “charged […]
book of acts, evangelism, persecutionEvangelism through Hospitality

By Pastor Stephen Hess – As we have been working our way through the book of Acts this year, one of the themes that has repeatedly come up is the call for God’s people to engage in evangelism. At the very beginning of the book, Jesus says to his disciples, “You will be my witnesses […]
book of acts, evangelism, hospitalityActs: To the Ends of the Earth

By Pastor Stephen Hess – What does it mean to be an “evangelical” Christian? That question has been the subject of significant debate in recent years. Much of the confusion has come from the fact that people define the term “evangelical” in different ways. Some define evangelical sociologically. When used this way, the term refers […]
book of acts, evangelicalism, sermon series