By Pastor Stephen Hess – One of the catchphrases that I have been hearing frequently in the news recently is the term “third space.” A third space is a place between home (your first space) and work (your second space) where you can linger and connect with other people. It is a place where everyone […]
Posts tagged "church"
Decorpulated Christianity

By Pastor Stephen Hess – One of the primary images used to describe the church in the New Testament is the image of a human body. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians, “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so […]
church, church membership, fellowship, the body of christ, the christian lifeEveryone is a Parent in the Body of Christ

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Whenever we baptize an infant at Highview, I always remind the congregation that it isn’t only the parents who are taking responsibility for raising the child in the faith; it is the entire congregation. That is why one of the baptismal questions asked of the congregation is: “Do you, the […]
church, discipleship, parenting, the body of christCreated for Community

By Pastor Stephen Hess – At the end of 2020, the Gallup organization released a stunning report on the state of Americans’ mental health. For nearly twenty years Gallup has surveyed the mental well-being of Americans and one of the key findings of last year’s survey was that mental health in 2020 was lower than […]
church, fellowship, mental health, worshipAmbassadors for Christ

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Recently we began a new sermon series at Highview called “Resident Aliens.” During this series we are exploring what it means to live as a Christian in today’s world. In one sense we are “residents” of this world. We live here, we work here, and we raise our families here. […]
church, kingdom, kingdom of god