By Pastor Stephen Hess – Over the course of 2024, the Highview family took a year-long devotional journey through the Westminster Shorter Catechism. Many people from the congregation expressed how spiritually enriching this journey was and how much it helped them grow in their understanding of the great doctrines of our faith. Some have asked, […]
Posts tagged "discipleship"
His Kingdom is Not of this World

By Pastor Stephen Hess – When Jesus was on trial before Pilate, the governor asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” (Jn. 18:33). Pilate had heard that Jesus was claiming to be a king, and he wanted to determine whether Jesus was guilty of trying to stir up an insurrection. In Pilate’s mind […]
discipleship, politicsBecoming a People of Prayer

By Pastor Stephen Hess – One of the things you will notice if you look at the Apostle Paul’s lists of spiritual gifts in the New Testament (Rom. 12:6-8; 1 Cor. 12:7-10, 27-31) is that he never mentions the gift of prayer. This is not because Paul thought prayer was unimportant, but because he didn’t […]
discipleship, prayer, sermon series, small groups, spiritual disciplinesEveryone is a Parent in the Body of Christ

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Whenever we baptize an infant at Highview, I always remind the congregation that it isn’t only the parents who are taking responsibility for raising the child in the faith; it is the entire congregation. That is why one of the baptismal questions asked of the congregation is: “Do you, the […]
church, discipleship, parenting, the body of christDiscipleship Explored

By Pastor Stephen Hess – What does it mean to be a Christian? That may seem like a simple question but in our modern society the word “Christian” has become increasingly confused and can mean different things to different people. Some people think being a Christian means believing certain things. They assume that if you […]
discipleship, sermon series, small groupsBecoming Like Children

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Of all the commands that Jesus gave in the gospels, I have always found one of the most intriguing to be his command that we become like children. On one occasion Jesus called a child to himself and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like […]
discipleship, the christian lifeHonoring Christ on Social Media

By Pastor Stephen Hess – We live in a world that is dominated by social media. Although platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are still relatively new, they have rapidly become part of our everyday lives. Many people check their Facebook account numerous times a day and spend significant time scrolling through their newsfeed or […]
discipleship, social media, the christian life