By Pastor Stephen Hess – For 2,000 years, Christians have affirmed a belief in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. The Apostles’ Creed—one of the earliest creeds of the Christian church—states, “On the third day he rose again from the dead.” But in recent years some have asked whether it really matters if Jesus […]
Posts tagged "easter"
The Centurion’s Declaration

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Every few years it seems like there is a courtroom trial that captures the nation’s attention. Courtroom trials fascinate us because they often involve fascinating people, shocking stories, and compelling arguments. But the moment most people look forward to in a courtroom trial is the verdict. That moment when a […]
easter, good fridayEaster Questions from Jesus

By Pastor Stephen Hess – I have always been intrigued by the accounts of the resurrection of Jesus and his appearances to his disciples thereafter. It is clear as you read the Gospels that the disciples were experiencing a mixture of emotions including things like fear, excitement, awe, and joy. I often wonder how I […]
easter, HolidaysThe Passover and the Cross

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Have you ever wondered why the date of Easter each year corresponds to the Jewish celebration of Passover? Did you ever notice that when Jesus sat down with his disciples for the “last supper” (Luke 22:7-23) they were not just eating a regular meal, but a “Passover” meal? When we […]