By Pastor Stephen Hess – When Jesus was on trial before Pilate, the governor asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” (Jn. 18:33). Pilate had heard that Jesus was claiming to be a king, and he wanted to determine whether Jesus was guilty of trying to stir up an insurrection. In Pilate’s mind […]
Posts tagged "politics"
A Christian View of Politics

By Pastor Stephen Hess – As I write this article, we are just days away from yet another U.S. presidential election. One of the perennial questions Christians face when thinking about elections is: How should our faith shape the way we view politics? This is a complex question, and complex questions rarely have simple answers. […]
culture, politicsHow Should Christians Vote?

By Pastor Stephen Hess – As I write this article, election day is less than two weeks away. This year we will have yet another opportunity to vote and choose the next President of the United States. One of the things that sets Christians in modern America apart from Christians in the early church is […]
culture, politics