By Pastor Stephen Hess – I once heard it said that our prayers tell us a great deal about ourselves and our faith. Alistair Begg writes, “Our conversation with God in private reveals what is in our hearts. Listen to someone pray—or listen to yourself pray—and you gain a window into the very center of […]
Posts tagged "prayer"
Becoming a People of Prayer

By Pastor Stephen Hess – One of the things you will notice if you look at the Apostle Paul’s lists of spiritual gifts in the New Testament (Rom. 12:6-8; 1 Cor. 12:7-10, 27-31) is that he never mentions the gift of prayer. This is not because Paul thought prayer was unimportant, but because he didn’t […]
discipleship, prayer, sermon series, small groups, spiritual disciplinesA Wake-Up Call

By Pastor Stephen Hess – This summer we have embarked on a 12-week prayer journey focused on the theme of “awakening.” Awakening is a term that refers, first and foremost, to the work of the Holy Spirit where he brings a sinner from death to life, from unbelief to belief, and from darkness to light. […]
prayer, the christian lifeHow Not To Pray

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Recently at Highview we began a sermon series on the Lord’s Prayer. The Lord’s Prayer has been the focus of Christian teaching in the church for centuries because it is the place in Scripture where Jesus taught his disciples how to pray. Therefore, if we want to learn how to […]
prayer, sermon series