By Pastor Stephen Hess – The beginning of a New Year is often an occasion for people to make a fresh start in their lives. It is a time when many people ask the question, “What do I want my life to look like this year?” and when they set goals or resolutions for the […]
Posts tagged "sermon series"
Creed or Chaos

By Pastor Stephen Hess – In 1949 the British author Dorothy Sayers wrote, “The reason why churches are discredited today is not that they are too bigoted about theology, but that they have run away from theology.” If Sayers’s words were true in 1949, they are even more true in 2020. Over the past several […]
sermon series, theologyDaniel: Encouragement for Exiles

By Pastor Stephen Hess – On Sunday May 31st we will begin a new journey as we kick off a sermon series on the Book of Daniel. This book takes its name from the prophet Daniel who lived during the sixth century B.C. while God’s people were living in exile in the land of Babylon. […]
book of daniel, sermon seriesWhen the Faithful Are Fearful

By Pastor Stephen Hess – On a recent rainy day when we were all stuck in the house, I decided it would be a good afternoon for a movie. So our family watched the Disney/Pixar movie “Monsters Inc,” which my kids had never seen but instantly loved. For those who haven’t seen the movie, it […]
fear, sermon seriesActs: To the Ends of the Earth

By Pastor Stephen Hess – What does it mean to be an “evangelical” Christian? That question has been the subject of significant debate in recent years. Much of the confusion has come from the fact that people define the term “evangelical” in different ways. Some define evangelical sociologically. When used this way, the term refers […]
book of acts, evangelicalism, sermon seriesHow Not To Pray

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Recently at Highview we began a sermon series on the Lord’s Prayer. The Lord’s Prayer has been the focus of Christian teaching in the church for centuries because it is the place in Scripture where Jesus taught his disciples how to pray. Therefore, if we want to learn how to […]
prayer, sermon seriesGospel-Shaped Worship

Highview’s new vision statement declares that we exist “To glorify God and make disciples who are completely transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Additionally, our vision states that two of our core values are “the centrality of the gospel” and the “primacy of worship.” We were created to worship God, and we desire to […]
gospel, sermon series, small groups, worshipAnswers to Life’s Biggest Questions

By Pastor Stephen Hess – If you could choose one word to describe the state of American culture as we enter 2018, what would it be? I would probably choose the word “confused.” The further we move into the 21st century, the more confused we seem to be as a culture about some of the […]
book of genesis, genesis, sermon seriesAn Unlikely Advent Story

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Over the past several weeks we have been working through the book of Ruth on Sunday mornings in our current sermon series. When most people think of the book of Ruth, they probably don’t think of the season of Advent or the birth of Christ. However, this Old Testament story […]
advent, Book of Ruth, christmas, Holidays, Ruth, sermon seriesGospel-Shaped Living

By Pastor Stephen Hess – Some time ago we acquired a toy garbage truck set in our household. This particular set came with play-doh molds to create objects such as garbage cans and bottles. These objects can be dropped into a special compartment on the truck before you drive the truck across the floor. As […]
gospel, sermon series